The Company is engaged, directly and through its subsidiaries, in acquisitions, realizations, and the development of portfolio companies in various industries.


Clal’s activities are conducted through subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities, affiliates and other companies. The Company prioritizes activities which nurture and strengthen ties with existing and potential strategic partners in Israel, and looks favorably on activities which expand its operations, or those of its portfolio companies, internationally.


The Company continually assesses investment opportunities in leading companies and in its portfolio companies while seeking to increase value by realizing investments in due time. The investment strategy priority is to maximize return on investment in the long run by choosing investment opportunities which allow current and potential market leaders to continue to achieve stable, yet ambitious growth targets.

Business approach

Clal is continually monitoring its portfolio – pruning, expanding or infusing capital as needed – to best align itself with the key industries in the Israeli market. It focuses on a limited number of strategic holdings upon which it can exert a significant influence. The Company’s strong financial base and experience allows for a rapid response to capital market dynamics and astute financial planning and execution, thus maximizing shareholder return. The company works as a dynamic entity bringing together its portfolio assets to create a unique network of business partners with a view to enhancing individual and group value. Extending its managerial and financial experience and its influence in the Israeli marketplace is integral to its role in its portfolio companies’ operations.

From left to right: Mr. Len Blavatnik -founder and Chairman of Access Group, Mr. Avi Fischer – Chairman and CEO of Clal Industries and Mr. Lincoln Benet – member of the Board of Directors of Claltech.